Evergreen blogs

You have probably noticed that the posts in this section are under the 'blog' heading, yet there are no dates attached to any of them. This is probably a bit of a departure from what you usually expect from a blog. How would you know if what you're reading is ten years old or ten days old? The age of a post is a reasonable proxy for things you care about as a reader, like relevancy. React blog from 2023 versus React blog from 2016 are pretty different things.

I've tried to commit to keeping some sort of blog at various points in my life, but I always end up wanting to edit posts I've made before or even just take them down entirely, which feels counter to the idea of a blog, or at least counter to having a date stamped on the post. As an experiment, I've decided to lean into this predisposition for revising and just remove all dates entirely. Everything that's still on here is a snapshot of things I still feel okay keeping up, at least as of the last time I had bothered to touch my website's content. Inspired by evergreen notes, I'm going to call these evergreen blogs. I'll keep a counter on the posts still (see url), but instead of a real clock, you will only get a logical clock. Hopefully that's enough to keep you from getting disoriented.